
Tuesday, June 30, 2009


(i) The Contractor shall supply negatives of color photographs and digital pictures on CDs and uncounted color positive prints not less than 250 x 200 mm of such portions of the Works, in progress and completed, as may be directed by the Engineer and specified herein. The negatives and prints shall not be retouched. The negative of each photograph shall be the property of the Employer and shall be delivered to the Engineer with the color prints. No prints of these negatives shall be supplied to any other person without the written permission of the Engineer.

(ii) If so directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall supply transparencies and colour prints.

(iii) The photographs shall be of two categories:

(a) Progress Photographs.
(b) Record photographs.
(c) Video Pictures of all major activities and Meetings.

(iv) Both categories of photographs shall be properly referenced to the approval of the Engineer, and on the front and back of each print shall be recorded the date of the photograph, the direction in which the camera was facing, an identifying description of the subject and the reference.

(v) Photographs taken for record purposes as ordered by the Engineer or as specified herein shall be supplied with three prints, having the reverse of one subscribed with the signatures of the Contractor and the Engineer (or their authorized representatives) for the purpose of attestation. If required, the Contractor may at his own expense having an additional print similarly attested for his retention.

(vi) The Contractor shall supply one negative and three prints of each progress photograph and videos each month alongwith each IPC. The submitted IPC will not be entertained without a Monthly Report and Monthly Video Record ordered by the Engineer. He shall supply two additional prints of progress photographs selected by the Engineer for incorporation in albums. He shall supply two sets of albums, mount the prints, and title the prints and albums all to the approval of the Engineer.

(vii) The taking of photographs of the Works by the Contractor for any other purpose whether for use in Pakistan or in AJK shall not be carried out without written approval from the Engineer.

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